
Our earth is getting toxic and contaminated and we are not aware of stuffs that we are eating, breathing and that we are surrounded of.

Because of mass production of food, quick earing and cheaper production we are today eating GMO food, E additives, antibiotics and many other unhealthy stuffs. Other problem with food is uncontrolled, nonhuman and excessively production and use of animals in food chain.

Our surrounding is bombard with electro magnetic radiation, toxic building material, diesel exhausting, unhealthy addictions and much more...

That is the reason why an important way of healing our body is through eating healthy and living in as much as possible healthy surrounding.

Through serials of articles  I will advice you how to eat and live healthier.

Unhealthy addictions
Diesel exhaust
Toxic Building Material
Electro Magnetic Radiation
E additives   
Bad treatment of animals in food Industry

WARNING! This articles must be taken as it is. Advises given over 
this blog are just support for you and written from personal experience and
cannot be replaced for live professional medical help.
If you are in emergency; call nearest doctor or Emergency room.

