
Spirituality for sure lead a very high role in healing process.

Andrew Weil, M.D., states, "You are body, mind, and spirit. Health necessarily involves all of these components and any program intended to improve health must address all of them." Dr. Weil further states, "Many people consider spirit to be in the province of religion, but I insist on making a clear distinction between spirituality and religion. Spirituality has to do with the non physical aspects of your being - the part of you that existed before and will exist after the disintegration of your body."

To be “spiritual” to different people mean different things. To some that means to belong to some religion. Other find their spirituality in meditation. Some find their spirituality in believing in nature. Other find that in occult and demonic world, or astrology and witchcraft.

I think that all that “external” ways to spirituality are not important. Important are our hearts and our personal beliefs and values. I think that we cannot find that in any “external” way. We can find it just in us and in our hearts. Everything else can help us on our way to spirituality or to belief, but just our heart and our values are that what is making us spiritual.

You can go to church for years but if you do not feel that inner voice in your self and that inner call you will never be a spiritual believer. You can meditate for years but if you do not feel something in that meditation and your soul is not touched through that you will never know and feel what that means to really meditate.

To be touched, to be moved, to be changed and to live that means to be spiritual in what ever religion or way of life we want to be.

My belief is just mine. I have it and I know that I right for me. I feel that in my heart and I live that in my life. My conscience is free and my life values are according to that and that makes me happy and fulfilled. That is my spirituality. Learn more here.

There is very interesting artical on this team on this link:


And very great organization here:

